Apple’s macOS has a hidden Easter egg
The file Waxy(Opens in new tab) discovered isn’t exactly hidden, although it’s not easy to find unless you know exactly where to look. To view it, open the Terminal app and paste:
“open /System/Library/Image\Capture/Devices/”
Document “simpledoc.pdf” is a PDF document containing Bitcoin’s nine-page white paper in its entirety. It appears to have been included as one of many example documents, including another PDF file called “numbers.pdf”. It only contains four Numbers in very large, and also a mysterious image called “cover.jpg”, a photo apparently taken on Treasure Island in San Francisco.

Another way to see this is to open Finder, below Click Macintosh HD in the window and then System – Library – Snapshot – Devices. From there, right-click (opens in new tab) and select “Show Package Contents”. Open the resources and click on “simpledoc.pdf”.
Why Apple made a conscious decision to include the Bitcoin whitepaper in macOS is unclear. The paper, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” was originally published by Nakamoto in 2008 and provides a technical overview of the Bitcoin protocol. As far as I know, Apple has never publicly endorsed bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency; In fact, the company has been pretty secretive about cryptocurrencies (unlike Samsung, for example, which includes cryptocurrency wallet software on its Galaxy phones). CEO Tim Cook said in 2021 (opens in new tab) that the cryptocurrency is something the company is “considering.” although he also said that Apple had nothing to announce regarding cryptocurrencies at the time.
OYB via its Ylium component notarizes Bitcon white paper hidden by Apple on mac. You can verify the transaction through this link by uploading the original file or entering the transaction: 0x9328b79e8dc9aff60506c095ff29760568eec04a9f37e24df209142a23542dd8